Supporting Small

We all know that this is a hard time, especially for those small businesses out there. Yes, I am talking about ones who stay up all hours of the day and night to follow their dreams. The ones who work multiple jobs yet still find the time to create their business and passion. The ones who might still be working out of their homes. The people who give personal touches, get to know our families and care for their customers. Today I wish to highlight some great small businesses and follow friends of mine. I hope they bring you joy, inspiration, and maybe something you have been missing in your life.


Think Big

Where can I shop small?


As many of you know I am a small business owner myself.

Running a business and creating artwork is something I am very passionate. Being a full time artist was a huge jump in my life. I have faced many challanges but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My have sold over 800 pieces of artwork. All going to new homes, new cities, new countries. I am so beyond thankful for my supporters therefore make sure to support small businesses in my daily life! 

How to Support Small

1. Share with friends and family

2.Like or share on social media

3. Reach out with positive messages 

4. Purchase an item

Megan Hinds