The Importance of a Newsletter

We have all gone through the historical year of 2020. A global pandemic, stores closing, events canceled, jobs being lost, and in-person anything was not allowed. Some areas of the world are still going through this, locked downs, isolation, and more. So as a maker the big question is how do you get your work seen and how do you get new clients?


The simple answer: building your newsletter

We all now have the powerful yet annoying tools of social media. This new world of connection and advertisement. With social media you have to play by a certain set of rules, algorithm change monthly, paid ad structures increase, and each platform has its own system. We might share our images on Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest but who is really seeing it and how is the engagement?  The larger your subscription numbers are the more likely for true engagement, website traffic, and ultimately sales. We cannot completely depend on our social media platforms. We do not control those networks and we cannot solely depend on them.

So how do we increase our newsletter base? 

1.Use SOcial Sites

Use your social sites to help build your subscription base. Almost weekly I talk about subscribing to my newsletter on my social platforms. I use this moment to talk about why to subscribe such as a 10% off discount code, exclusive events, and the chance to get one-of-a-kind collections. 

2. Live Events

At live events, there is a signup sheet. This is the best opportunity to grow very real customers. You are able to talk to potential clients who are looking at your work first hand. Tell your story and process. These sign-ups are people who are genuinely interested to learn more about you. 

3. Pop-up on Website

Have a pop-up on your website. You see this on most websites, a pop-up that simply states “Welcome, want to learn more? Subscribe to the newsletter today”. This is a very easy addition to your website and you may be surprised at the number of new subscribers you receive. 

A newsletter allows you to tell your customer a story. It brings awareness to your clients, it's more than just an advertisement or sale. It's about bringing in viewers who enjoy your brand, love hearing your proposal, and will grow with you long-term. 

Megan Hinds